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  • translation agency
    for all your web texts

    Specialised solutions for
    website translations

Professional website translation is a very specialised area, and form and content must be perfectly matched. Sometimes people say that "content is king", and that is true. First of all you will definitely need a good translator to ensure that the content comes across perfectly in every language. You are not, however, writing or translating only for your target group; you need to remember the search engines too. Your website must be easy to find in every language. There are also a number of specific technical aspects: html codes that must be preserved, images containing text that cannot be edited directly or complex files such as Flash etc. All this constitutes a challenge.


Websites are becoming more and more dynamic: rather than using separate html pages, content is often drawn from a database. This can be done easily using a CMS or Content Management System, via the web. This is a wonderful development, because with a CMS hardly any knowledge of HTML is needed to update a website and keep it up to date. Those wishing to make major changes to their website will, however, quickly encounter the limitations of the average CMS. Rewriting large portions of text directly into the CMS can quickly become a nightmare.


When it comes to translating, the situation is no different. To achieve the best results, it is therefore preferable not to work online but instead to export the content of the database, e.g. in an Excel file, and then import it again after translation. has considerable experience with this process. Most website managers are not keen to do this, but we can help you to ensure that the process goes smoothly and if necessary we can test it thoroughly before starting the translation process.


What a service!
That is the opinion of Alpro, Melitta, Swirl, Citibank and many others.