All texts that are written, rewritten or translated by are meticulously revised before delivery to the customer. We offer the same service for texts that you have written yourself.
On the international translation market, a distinction is made between editing (stylistic revision) and proofing (proofreading).
- Editing: an average of 1000 words per hour at normal text quality
- Proofing: an average of 2500 words per hour at normal text quality
Tip 1: Experience has taught us that it is usually a waste of effort to try to produce a translation yourself, even if you have your translation revised. In most cases too many nuances are lost when you do not express yourself in your own language and it is more cost-effective to allow our native experts to translate the text for you. Whenever there is a change of language, it always has to be a native speaker.
Tip 2: Always have your print-ready copy proofread by your translation agency! Even if you follow a sophisticated procedure, changes made at the last minute by non-linguists can make an effective document appear completely ridiculous to native speakers in another language. For the same reason, we also advise you not to inform us by telephone when changes are made to multilingual texts. Verba volent, scripta manent.